Ian Byrne MP holds Secretary of State to account on Right To Food

On Tuesday 8th December at the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee evidence session on the work of the Government’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Ian Byrne MP had the opportunity to question Secretary of State George Eustice.

He pointed out that we have 14 million people living in poverty in the UK, according to a TUC report published in February and that just this week new Trussell Trust figures showed the number of Universal Credit claimants has risen from 2.7 million in March to 5.7 million today.

He told the Secretary of State: “We have millions of citizens who will be living without any ability at all to cope financially with any increase in food prices. Just today I tabled Early Day Motion 1251 on the Right To Food.”

He asked the Secretary of State to “sit down with myself and other MPs on this issue and have a discussion on the Right To Food, because at present we are merely tinkering around the edges of a humanitarian disaster that is already upon us.”


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