Ian Byrne MP calls for fair process for app-based couriers and private hire drivers

MP for Liverpool West Derby, Ian Byrne, has been campaigning for fair treatment of app-based couriers and private hire drivers following a Motion that he submitted to the House of Commons on Monday 9th November.

His Early Day Motion, which has now been signed by 66 Members of Parliament, condemns the opaque and unjust process by which app-based couriers and private hire drivers working for companies can be blocked permanently from their accounts and thus effectively dismissed from their jobs.

It asks that couriers and private hire drivers, who are key workers, are given the recognition they deserve and calls for all app-based companies to end unfair dismissals by implementing fair dismissal processes, including a hearing prior to dismissal, and the right to appeal a dismissal with union representation.

Ian Byrne said that “These key workers have been on the frontline of the covid-19 crisis and I have tabled Early Day Motion 1110 in solidarity with their fight against unfair dismissal processes. These already precarious workers have kept us moving during the pandemic, while ‘gig economy’ corporations that are valued in the billions have seen business boom while continuing to dehumanise them. We must hold these corporations to account and stand with key workers.”

Ian will be meeting with couriers, drivers and Trade Union activists who have been campaigning for fair process at a digital rally at 5pm on Wednesday 16th December. And he will be meeting with gig economy companies over the coming weeks to raise his concerns about their processes.


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