Government must stop profiteering in light of food price inflation

The Government must take urgent action to stop corporate profiteering in light of spiralling food price inflation over the last twelve months.

These figures below from the Office of National Statistics show the startling level of food price increases year on year from March 2022 to March 2023:

  • Cheddar cheese up 50%

  • 2 pints of milk up 40%

  • Eggs up 28%

  • White sliced bread up 21%

And of course these inflated food prices affect the poorest households most of all, given that they spend a larger percentage of their household income on food.

Under the Tories our economy is weaker, prices are out of control and never have people paid so much to get so little in return!

This cannot go on and I urge the Government to intervene to curb the selfish profiteering by some companies in the food supply chain.

Source: Office for National Statistics/Getty Images. Table published by BBC at: UK inflation: Cheese and milk help push food prices up at fastest rate for 45 years


Letter sent to EFRA Secretary re profiteering & cost of food


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