Parliamentary news round-up 26 May

Northern Ireland Troubles Bill: On Tuesday I voted against this Bill at its Second Reading. There is widespread opposition to the Bill and justice and human rights groups have raised a series of concerns about its implications if it becomes law. Prior to the vote I met relatives whose loved ones were murdered in the conflict in Ireland and who are campaigning for justice.

PMQs: On Wednesday I attended PMQs, where the Prime Minister faced questions about the Government’s lack of action on the cost-of-living crisis and the findings of the Gray report.

Sinn Fein visit to Parliament: This week I watched Michelle O’Neill and Mary McDonald address Parliamentarians and guests about the need to build a functioning government that will fight for social justice and tackle the cost-of-living crisis sweeping through communities in Northern Ireland.

Written Questions on dementia diagnosis: Following Dementia Action Week I tabled several written questions to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Sajid Javid MP, to get further information on what the Government is doing to ensure people in West Derby can get a timely, accurate diagnosis of dementia.

Food Foundation event: This week I attended an event to discuss the latest findings from the Food Foundation. Their research is harrowing and shows a rapid rise in food poverty in the face of the cost-of-living crisis. 4.6% of households (2.4 million adults) have not eaten for an entire day in the past month because they couldn't afford or get access to food.


Solidarity with RMT on strike action mandate


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