Joining BMA members on Alder Hey & Royal picket lines

It was heartbreaking to stand on the BMA picket line today at Alder Hey and speak to so many experienced colleagues who are leaving the NHS; key workers who will be impossible to replace.

They painted a clear picture of the managed decline of our NHS and how winning this dispute is vital for its survival.

A doctor on the picket line said to me: “MPs have had a 42.7% increase since 2008, Junior Doctors have had a 25% decrease since 2010. So let’s not have MPs saying that pay restoration for doctors is unaffordable. We have families to feed as well.”

A fair point indeed. 

There was also a great turnout at the picket line at Royal Liverpool with the Junior Doctors and it was incredible to see such truly remarkable public support for the action. This government must stop hiding. These people are the future of our NHS and they must be listened to. #JuniorDoctors


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