Right To Food Week LIVE

Right To Food Week 2023 - 18th-23rd September

On this page you will find highlights of activities in support of Right To Food Week 2023…

Saturday 23rd September

RTF Hunger March Liverpool 2023 Liverpool Echo photo by Colin Lane

Children lead demand for food at Hunger March' in Liverpool today.

Chanting children led the charge at a Hunger March through the streets of Liverpool today as hundreds of people rallied for a legal Right To Food.

Crowds turned out in Liverpool earlier to call for an end to food poverty and demand the Right To Food. Hundreds marched from St George’s Hall to the Bombed Out Church in a campaign led by Ian Byrne MP. Radio City News correspondent Vicky Glover was there…

Before hundreds of people marched from St George’s Hall to the Bombed Out Church in a Hunger March in Liverpool today, the George Garrett Archive Project & Writing on the Wall performed a short play about the 1922 Hunger March from Liverpool to London.

Friday 22nd September

Public urged to send ‘strong message’ to government at Right to Food rally in Belfast tomorrow, Belfast Telegraph reports: BelfastTelegraph.co.uk

The support from trade union for Right To Food Week 2023 has been immense. Thank you.

On a very busy day for Right To Food Week on social media, the campaign was delighted to receive support on X (Twitter) from celebrities including Robbie Fowler, Carol Vorderman and Neville Southall. Thank you to all who have helped bring the Right To Food Campaign to the attention of more people via social media.

Fantastic support from the West Derby community today for Right To Food Week and for tomorrow’s Hunger March in Liverpool.

Thank you to all involved at the Millennium Pantry, Ellergreen Community Centre and Norris Green Alliance Lunch Club.

Great to see these beautiful banners for the #RightToFood march tomorrow at St George’s Pantry. A Big THANK YOU to pantry volunteer Jean who made all the letters and all the members who helped put them together today with Feeding Liverpool.

As the week of action comes to a close, Ian Byrne, MP for Liverpool West Derby, writes in Huck magazine on the campaign to enshrine a right to food in law: Why we need a right to food 

The children & staff of the L6 Centre in Liverpool are supporting Right To Food Week 2023. They will be taking part in the Hunger March on Saturday to demand a legal Right To Food for all.

Thursday 21st September

Good to see so many community pantries involved in Right To Food Week and preparing banners for Saturday’s Hunger Marches. Thanks to Feeding Liverpool for their support.

Thanks to the young people and staff at Bobby’s Base in West Derby for supporting Right To Food Week 2023 and backing our demands for Universal Free School Meals!

It is fantastic to see so many trade unionists and trade unions supporting the Right To Food Campaign and Right To Food Week 2023. Thanks to all for your support.

Wednesday 20th September

Video copyright Radio City: Pupils at Blackmoor Park join in the week of action by demanding free school meals for everyone.

Children at Blackmoor Park Infant School in West Derby, Liverpool have been joining in with Right To Food Week 2023. One of our five Right To Food Campaign demands is the roll out of Universal Free School Meals, giving all pupils in compulsory education the opportunity to have a balanced meal during school hours.

Thanks to LFC Academy for inviting us to speak about a Right To Food and for such an engaging Q&A session with the academy players.

Tuesday 19th September

There was an incredible turnout today at the Right To Food Week Parliamentary drop-in. Thanks to all Parliamentarians, trade unions and organisations who showed their support. Hunger is a political choice and their support can make a huge difference to the lives of millions.

Hunger is a political choice. Sincere thanks to the 42 MPs who have so far backed our motion to Parliament in support of Right To Food Week 2023.

Some extremely powerful letters have been written to the Prime Minister by young people at the L6Centre in Liverpool during Right To Food Week. A stark reminder of why were are all campaigning for a legal right to food.

Monday 18th September

Consultant paediatrician at Alder Hey Children's Hospital, Dr Ian Sinha, reveals how poverty is impacting young people ahead of a hunger march in Liverpool city centre on Saturday 23rd October as part of Right To Food Week 2023

The ‘Good food; Our Food’ travelling exhibition has arrived at St George’s pantry in Everton today as part of Right to Food Week 2023. A session run by Feeding Liverpool will be held with young people in Everton this afternoon.

At the end of June 2023, pupils and staff at Monksdown Primary School made national headlines for their protest and letters to Rishi Sunak in support of Free School Meals for All.

On the eve of Right to Food Week 2023, students and staff at Monksdown share their experiences of campaigning for free school meals with Feeding Liverpool.

A rally in Belfast will call for a legal 'Right to Food' as families struggle with costs.

The Right to Food Rally will take place at Belfast City Hall at 1pm on Saturday 23 September. It is being organised by SDLP councillor and founder of the Foodstock community hub and food bank, Paul Doherty.

Join pantry members and volunteers to make banners and placards for the Liverpool Hunger March on Saturday 23rd September:

Venue: Nugent Pantry, St Anne’s Church, Overbury St, L7 3HJ
Date: Tuesday 19th September
Time: 13:00 – 15:00
Venue: St Andrew’s Pantry Clubmoor, Adshead Rd, L13 0AL
Date: Wednesday 20th September
Time: 9:00am – 11:00am
Venue: St George’s Pantry
Date: Friday 22nd September 
Time: 8:45am – 11:00am


Email samir@feedingliverpool.org for more details.