Serving Liverpool West Derby constituency

While the Tories fight among themselves and crash the economy, energy bills have hiked again this month. It can’t be right that while multi-national corporations make record profits and bankers’ bonuses are sky-high, life gets harder for everyone else.

As your MP, I want you to know I am working hard for you in this cost-of-living crisis, including:

• Challenging the Tories on the crisis they have created but which working class people are paying for with unaffordable energy bills, higher food bills, lower wages, lower benefits, higher rents, mortgages and borrowing costs.

• Standing in solidarity with West Derby trade unionists taking industrial action for fair pay and conditions and to stand up to unscrupulous employers attempting fire and rehire tactics.

• Battling in Parliament to end poverty pay with a significant rise in the national minimum wage, a real public sector pay rise, and an end to pensioner poverty with a rise in pensions and full state pension restitution to all 1950s-born women.

• Championing your right to a decent home with rent caps, council houses and insulation of homes to cut bills and emissions.

• Working to end food poverty: seeking to legislate for a Right To Food including universal free school meals, utilising community kitchens and ensuring that benefits provide enough money for people to live on.

The Tories have lost all credibility and only a Labour Government can get us out of this mess. As your Labour Member of Parliament, I will always fight to put your need before corporate greed.


Right To Food: Community Kitchen pilot in West Derby


Meeting Pope Francis on Parliamentary visit to The Vatican