Hillsborough Law Now Campaign launches in Parliament

Ian Byrne MP for Liverpool West Derby and Chair, Andy Burnham Greater Manchester Mayor, Steve Rotheram Liverpool Metro Mayor, Margaret Aspinall, Hillsborough bereaved family member and former Chair of the Hillsborough Family Support Group -speaking at the Parliamentary launch of the Hillsborough Law Now Campaign on Tuesday 19 July 2022.

Many injustices, but one struggle.

I was proud to launch the Hillsborough Law Now Campaign in Parliament last Tuesday, supported by Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham, Liverpool City Region Mayor Steve Rotheram and Garston & Halewood MP Maria Eagle.

I chaired the inaugural Parliamentary meeting of the Hillsborough Law Now Campaign, which heard from campaigners on Hillsborough, Grenfell, Blood Contamination, Covid-19 Bereavement, Nuclear Test veterans and from fellow Parliamentarians and legal experts.

In 2017 then Prime Minister Theresa May MP asked then Bishop of Liverpool, the Right Reverend James Jones, to undertake a review into lessons to be learned from Hillsborough.

His report, called The Patronising Disposition of Unaccountable Power, was published in November 2017. Five years on, its recommendations have still not been acted upon and no legislation has ever been forthcoming.

Our meeting was convened to discuss and agree how as Parliamentarians, mayors, campaigners, activists and others, we can work together to realise the 2017 Jones recommendations, which form the basis of Hillsborough Law proposals.

These include:

  • Giving bereaved families better access to money for legal representation at inquests - creating a level playing field.

  • Putting in place a duty of candour on all police officers and public officials.

  • Adopting a Charter for families bereaved through public tragedy which would be binding on all public bodies.

  • Requiring that evidence and findings of major Inquests be taken fully into account at subsequent criminal trials.

  • Clarifying in law that major inquiries commissioned by the Government or other official bodies constitute “courses of public justice”.

  • Making it a requirement for criminal trials following a major inquest to take place in a court with relevant expertise and status, rather than crown court.

Our meeting in Parliament heard from so many inspirational campaigners, all of whom called for a Hillsborough Law. All agreed we urgently need legislation to protect bereaved families and survivors of disasters at the hands of the state.

Next steps for the campaign were agreed at the meeting, including:

  • Hillsborough Law to be included in all party manifestos for the next General Election

  • Ensure our campaign in Parliament is cross-party

  • Continue to support Maria Eagle’s Public Advocate Bill

  • Create an All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for the Hillsborough Law Now Campaign

  • Launch new Hillsborough Law Bill in Parliament

The Daily Mirror article reported on the meeting:

“It is an affront to natural justice to not enact the Hillsborough Law,” Bishop Jones says. “State agencies are lawyered up, while the families are defenceless”. He adds: “At the moment police can withhold or even destroy vital evidence…”

“Labour MP Ian Byrne was 17 when he went to watch the semi-final at Hillsborough. He left early when the girlfriend he was watching the game with started to feel uneasy, but witnessed Liverpool fans crushed to death. His father was also injured in the tragedy. Next day Byrne awoke to find Liverpool fans had been branded murderers. Now he has vowed to take the ­Hillsborough Law through Parliament with fellow Merseyside MP Maria Eagle, who has campaigned for many years for a Public Advocate Bill “to torpedo the cover-ups”.

You can read the Daily Mirror article about the campaign launch event in the image below, or read it here: https://bit.ly/3PO6iQI

You can read more about the Hillsborough Law Now Campaign on my website.

You can also read about The Real Truth Legacy Project, our campaign to educate all generations about the ‘real truth’ and injustice of Hillsborough.


Community, industrial and political solidarity in action


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