Incoming Labour Government - light at the end of the tunnel

lt has been a grim week politically.

We’ve had to listen to Tory Chairman Jake Berry MP tell Sky News: “If you’re unhappy with your energy bill, cut down on energy use or get a higher paid job.” Disgraceful.

We’ve been told Chancellor Kwarteng held a ‘budget day’ cocktail party with financiers who may have profited from the market crash his actions triggered – and these claims must be thoroughly investigated to determine if he has broken the Ministerial Code.

We’ve seen former Labour Prime Minister and Chancellor Gordon Brown publish an excellent but harrowing series of tweets about the damage this new Government plans to wreak on our people and public services: “After the right turn, the U-turn.

But Kwasi Kwarteng's panicked climbdown still leaves £43bn in tax cuts. Growth won’t pay for them so spending cuts worse than austerity will - an amount equivalent to closing every English school…

Meanwhile the typical family on Universal Credit face losses of up to £2,000 a year if, as seems possible, the government links benefits to earnings not prices…

It’s all there in Britannia Unchained, co-authored by Truss and Kwarteng: the pound can collapse, borrowing and mortgages can soar, pensioners can freeze, kids can go hungry, as long as the economy is ripe for venture capitalists freed from regulation and, ideally, tax...”

More positively, this week, ten opinion polls show the Labour Party with an average 25-point lead over the Conservatives, according to polling expert Sir John Curtice, who told Sky News that all the ‘ingredients’ for the Tories to be defeated at the next General Election are now in place. That election cannot come soon enough.


Out in our constituency last week…


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