Motion to Parliament in support of Right To Food Week 2023

Today I have tabled a motion in Parliament to acknowledge national Right To Food Week 2023, which runs from 18th-23rd September.

I am delighted that 26 cross-party MPs have already backed this motion - you can view who is supporting it here: Right to Food Week 2023 - Early Day Motions - UK Parliament

The motion reads:

That this House recognises that Right to Food Week 2023 takes place between 18 and 23 September 2023; highlights the injustices of hunger; notes that 18% of UK households are experiencing food insecurity and more than half a million children dropped below the poverty line in the last year; acknowledges the profound and devastating consequences of food insecurity on health, wellbeing and livelihoods; agrees that the Government has a duty to ensure nobody in our communities goes hungry; asserts that the Government’s duty should be reflected in legislation and that the right to food should be enshrined in UK law; agrees legislation should include (a) a rollout of universal free school meals, (b) a statement of the proportion of minimum wages and benefits, on which people are expected to live, is spent on food, (c) independent enforcement of legislation, (d) funding of community kitchens, (e) guarantees of food security; recognises the many councils across the country that have declared themselves right-to-food cities and towns; recognises that Trade Union Congress in 2021, 2022 and 2023 passed motions calling for the right to food to be enshrined in law; notes the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee have called on the Government to facilitate a country visit of the United Nations’ Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food to the UK by the end of this year; and asserts that a Right to Food enshrined in UK law is desperately needed so that everyone, including all children, are legally protected from hunger.

You can also find this motion online on the Parliamentary website: Right to Food Week 2023 - Early Day Motions - UK Parliament


Belfast, Liverpool and London unite against hunger during Right To Food Week 2023


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